6710 32 z
6710 32 z sd
6710 32 z bk

Ladies' triblend crew


À partir de 10,52 $



4.3 oz., 32 singles; 50% polyester, 25% combed ringspun cotton, 25% rayon jersey; Note: The Polyester content is transitioning to Recycled Polyester. Mixed inventory may occur.; Fabric laundered for reduced shrinkage; Front coverstitched 1x1 baby rib-knit set-in collar; Satin label; Sideseamed; Next Level Apparel has a recycling program for all fabric waste collected from the cutting process. All fabric scraps are sent to a recycling company that cleans and processes them to be used for cushion filling, rugs, etc. To date, 24.3M pounds of fabric have been recycled.

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